Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 7 Assignment 1 (U7A1)

Unit 7 Assignment 1 (U7A1)

Q Define a work setting situation you have been involved in, either good or not so good, that allows you to demonstrate application of the concepts learned in this course i.e., leadership style, organizational culture, the change process and strategic planning, 2. What additional information would you collect to analyze the situation? 3. Evaluate the culture of the organization 4. Evaluate the leadership style 5. What is the solution to the problem or what makes this situation so good? 6. Make suggestions for implementing the best solution to resolve the problem or include what things were in place to make your situation a good one. a) Utilizing the change process b) Identify strategic plan 7. Conclusion, including what you have learned about organizational leadership that will influence your future practice.

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I have worked in the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin for several years. In this particular healthcare organization I have learned so many things. I have experienced the change process of this organization. The higher management of this particular healthcare organization has understood the necessities of the change management in order to cope up with the constant changes in the healthcare industry of the United States in a proper manner (Boudreaux et al. 2014).